中華電信 To Schools 40G

The statistics were last updated Sunday, 15 December 2024 at 6:15,
at which time 'TANET-TC-C9500.C9500.tc.edu.tw' had been up for 214 days, 9:13:08.

`Daily' Graph (5 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 862.4 Mb/s (2.2%) 179.3 Mb/s (0.4%) 108.7 Mb/s (0.3%)
Out 3078.9 Mb/s (7.7%) 571.2 Mb/s (1.4%) 130.5 Mb/s (0.3%)

`Weekly' Graph (30 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 1579.1 Mb/s (3.9%) 376.4 Mb/s (0.9%) 99.2 Mb/s (0.2%)
Out 20.5 Gb/s (51.3%) 2882.8 Mb/s (7.2%) 122.3 Mb/s (0.3%)

`Monthly' Graph (2 Hour Average)

Max Average Current
In 2085.0 Mb/s (5.2%) 416.8 Mb/s (1.0%) 294.1 Mb/s (0.7%)
Out 22.1 Gb/s (55.1%) 3300.0 Mb/s (8.2%) 285.2 Mb/s (0.7%)

`Yearly' Graph (1 Day Average)

Max Average Current
In 2650.2 Mb/s (6.6%) 379.0 Mb/s (0.9%) 491.2 Mb/s (1.2%)
Out 23.7 Gb/s (59.2%) 2620.9 Mb/s (6.6%) 4432.7 Mb/s (11.1%)
GREEN ### Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second
BLUE ### Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second
DARK GREEN ### Maximal 5 Minute Incoming Traffic
MAGENTA ### Maximal 5 Minute Outgoing Traffic